Corrugated fastener is a thin strip of sheet metal that has a pattern of alternating grooves. These fasteners are typically made from 18 to 22 gauge sheets of stainless or cold-rolled steel. While they are relatively thin, the grooved shape of the corrugated fastener gives it a surprisingly high level of strength and durability.
Corrugated fasteners are a common alternative to traditional nails, screws and dowels when it comes to joining woods. They can be used at many different types of wood joints, and are one of the most common fasteners for joining mitered joints. Corrugated fasteners are used for both finish carpentry, like tables and furnishings, and rough carpentry, including components that are hidden from view. A corrugated fastener may also be used to join small or delicate pieces of timber, which may be damaged by nails or screws.
1. A remedy for damaged adjacent timbers caused by nails or screws.
2. Versatile for indoor & outdoor mitre joints.
3. Alternating grooves for strong and hidden holding power.
4. High rust resistance and retention force.
5. Complete styles, gauges and sizes are available.