Carton staples are used with carton staplers to seal packages for shipping or storage. Carton staples are available in both stick and roll configurations. The correct type of staple to select depends on the stapler used, the staple brand, and the thickness of the material being stapled.
The 32 type uses 1-1/4" crown width staples while the 35 type uses 1-3/8" crown staples. The C type is the most popular in N. America; Europe and S. America tend to prefer the A type.
Carton Staple Sticks
Carton staple sticks are used to staple packages for shipping or storage. They are used for medium-volume applications and require more frequent reloading than carton staple rolls.
Wide crown carton staple with 32 or 35 mm crown width for closing cartons. Available in strips or as roll staple.
Carton staples or staples for top staplers are special staples with a crown width of 32 or 35 mm. The main purpose is to close carton lids, especially filled cartons or corrrugated board. These wide corwn box staples are available in 3 different leg lengths reaching from 15 mm to 21 mm.
Our staples are compatible with international staples like Duofast, Salco, Beck, BeA, Stanley Bostitch and Kihlberg, just to name the most nameful manufacturers.
Carton staple rolls are used to staple packages for shipping or storage. They provide a greater number of staples than carton staple sticks. They require fewer stapler reloads than sticks and are for higher volume applications.
32 Carton Staples
35 Carton Staples
Bostitch AR Carton Staples
Bostitch SWC 7437
Bostitch SW9040
Bostitch 110
Bostitch SB5019
Bostitch SB103020
Staple Type 88
Bostitch SW9060
Our staples are suitable for the most different closing applicaitons. For many years we are glad to supply customers in the following industries:
Carton closing
Cardboard packaging
Cardboard box
Mailing tube
Wine cartons
Corrugated carton boxes