Finish nailer can be used loosely for nailers ranging from 15 gauge down to 18 gauge in nail size.
The main difference between a finish nailer vs a brad nailer is the gauge of the nail. Finish nailers use a thicker nail of 15 or 16 gauge where brads use 18 gauge only. It ultimately comes down to gauge size for the fasteners each tool is designed to run.
Finish nailers create a much stronger hold. You can use them to attach heavy baseboards, cabinets, and crown molding. These are jobs that you can’t do with a brad nailer. Another cool thing about finish nailers it that they come in both straight and angled designs. The big difference is that angled ones fit easily into tight spaces. So, depending on the kind of work you do, you might want to consider getting an angled one.
Finish nailers are used for heavier duty projects which will need a bit more strength and holding power. In this case 15 or 16 gauge nails are recommended. Typical jobs might include:
1.Installing crown and base moldings
2.Window and door casings
3.Chair rails
5.Exterior trim
7.Hard and softwood flooring
Can hold thicker, heavier wood. Because the nails are wider and longer, finishing nailers are great for baseboards, molding, or cabinetry.
They create a permanent hold. Once you use this to drive a nail, it’s not going anywhere.
Really versatile. You can use a finishing nailer with a range of materials and surfaces.
Nails come in long strips so you won’t have to reload very often.